Thursday, October 27, 2022

Creative life journeys as a way of sidestepping freneticism

Sometimes life can be so contrived and painfully orderly that one with fluidity of spirit might feel uncomfortable being bullied into compliance by the manufactured quality of hastening. The essence of the world at work is so quickly unwinding that sometimes the more tender of souls crave the chance to reflectively hold each moment before letting go, in a sweet and gentle process of savoring. Yet it feels more urgent to note that the growing collective machine dictates that we either fall in line with the freneticism or fall away as irrelevant except to those who also abide in the shallow whirling pools to restfully contemplate. 

It can be a balm upon a weary heart to hold true to that essential quality of self-possession as we each endeavor to walk the beauty way, or the way of life that feels most true when we listen to our hearts pace. I wanted the chance to use this blog to note a few free-flowing ways to contemplate here to ease the inflicted urgency and sidestep the increased bullying of the digital age. Of course the ones I am going to list, I am impartial to, but I welcome you to also create your own list of ways to pull away and create your own pathways to peace too!

Creating or Enjoying Poetry

When a sensitive sort sits with the world whirling all round about them, if they are prone to poetic outpourings they might find it comforting to capture a line or two of poetry on the page. There is something so indescribably free about poetry that it can be quintessentially aligned with fluidity or linearly lopped and tucked in at the edges so that it is tight and neat. Thankfully, you are 'right' in writing poetry either way. The lovely part is that poets gets to infuse their essential perspectives, ways of being, points of view, and all of the above onto the page in ways that are as ordered or as lawlessly as they may wish to be.

The best part is that it becomes a gift for others to lovingly witness as we move through this chaotic age. Those who live within the realms of poetic passion know that the layers and depth of poetic interpretation are so robust that one could dive deep into and yet so undemanding that a listener or reader can let the words just wash over inconsequentially. It is a reflective harvesting of the essence of being memorialized on the page.

Spending Time in Nature

Oh the blessings that abound when we can be around something other than humanity and how beautiful when we can be in the midst of spaces that are vital, fresh, wide open and green. The pathways allow us to unwind as we come to marvel at each new spectacle. While out amidst the gloriously complex assortments of living things the same path of cherished green can provide a new experience every day. We are no longer 'apart', but 'a part of' something splendidly beautiful collectively without bullying everything into being just what we perceive it ought to be. 

Something or things much wiser than we recognized the importance of witnessing and experiencing many ways of being and many points of view. Nature is just such an oasis where we can be amidst many perspectives and intertwining ways of being for those who feel the need to shift from the everyday expectational order of things. How pleasant to pick our pace, find our own ways, create our own paths and enjoy the stay among this lively collective of wondrous and spectacular views. ''

We get the chance therein to also move outward and back into our minds eye to reflect and see parallels in ways of being and new perspectives too. Perhaps a tenderness grows, or a sorrow is healed, or you meet a treasured friend, a beautiful vista, or a healing entity. So healthful to also move our bodies to the beat of our own meandering feet especially when somehow our legs switch to autopilot almost akin to the naturalness of breathing as we move on through.

Expressive Art Making

Not everyone knows the permissive throes of setting oneself wild and free in the realms of expressive arts and creativity. Yet, those who have touched upon it often find a freedom that allow us to enter a delightful imagination space that knows only the boundaries of our minds eye view. Though each expressive art making material, medium or method has it's own limitations, there is so much to be said for 'far traveling', or in other words, using our imaginations to create something unique using them in our own ways.

Expressive art making spans the gamut and each and every activity we do expressively or creatively can qualify-whether it is more traditional like painting or drawing or something that we do with art making materials or any other expressive action we perform in a given day. For example, some people express themselves through dance, spoken word, woodworking or culinary arts. There is this quality of being while engaged in the process of creation that includes but goes beyond what is being created --exposing who we are and what we stand for and our other essential qualities. 

When we infuse our actions with a sense of meaning or purpose while upholding an underlying intention and engaging in creative expressivity there is so much we can gain from accessing these realms. We can depart from the linear path that we face within this more marginalized digital age into  more meaning laden experiences along the paths less taken. If we infuse the process with deeper intention the journey unfolds even more potently.

Final thoughts

Even though I may be impartial to the above listed ideas related to essential fluidity, I hope that it doesn't pigeon hole you into feeling these are the limits of our potential go engage in freedom. There are so many ways and we are each on the journey towards finding the ones that fit and suit us best as we travel on! Happy journeying everybody! ~Namaste

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